Honoring the past, Inspiring the future.

Begun in 2023, the Maui Nui Hall of Fame was conceived many years ago, beginning with the need to acknowledge the incredible concentration of talent in sports, music and the film world that resides right here on this small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Phase 1 is complete, as of June 2, 2024, introducing 40 members to the Hall of Fame. It can be viewed at Gate 17 in the Kahului Airport on the island of Maui.

Phase 2 is underway and will be revealed at the end of 2024. It will be in the same location as the Phase 1 wall.

The Maui Nui Hall  Of Fame would  like to thank the following contributors that helped make this project possible:

County Mayor Richard T. Bissen Jr.

Luana Mahi, Maui County Office of Economic Development

State of Hawai’i

Marvin Moniz, General Manager, Kahului Airport

David Glenn Taylor, Designer

Rob Collias, Sports Curator

Erik Aeder, Photographic Contributions

Branscombe Richmond, Producer-Director of Maui Nui Hall of Fame

And finally, we want to acknowledge our kapuna, our elders, who continue to pass down the traditions of our island music, our wonderful presence on screen and stage and our prowess and confidence on the waves, in the gym and on the field in the sports that matter to us. Mahalo nui loa!